A quick question.
I’m using RevenueCat with the sandbox user. I have two same-level subscriptions, one is monthly and the other one is annual. I added them into one entitlement. When I try to purchase each of them separately, everything works as expected.
But the issue is, I subscribe to the annual plan, after that I try to subscribe to the monthly plan, and its purchases monthly without any alert, like I have not subscribed to the annual plan. I’m expecting the alert which says, “Do you want to modify your subscription to monthly, and it will begin and you will be charged after x date...”. This alert pops up when I try with the StoreKit, but not popping up with the RevenueCat.
Is this normal, will it work when it is in production? My app is v1.0 and has not been accepted yet.
My purchase function like;
Purchases.shared.purchasePackage(package) { transaction, info, error, userCancelled in …
Any idea?
Thank you.