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Paywall display settings change not persisting in either browsers

  • 5 February 2024
  • 2 replies

Hello, I wanted to change the paywall display settings from the Paywall editor 

I wanted to include introductory offer values as well as variable preview values I had previously selected. When I select and save the second box (for introductory offer values ), it shows up on the preview but when refresh the page, the selection is gone and not reflected in the simulator. This behavior is same for both Chrome and Safari.

2 replies

Badge +4

Just got help from someone who said that that display setting is just for preview. So I’m good!

Userlevel 4
Badge +6

Hey @victoria-park-dbb064 !


Correct! The preview that you are seeing is just a preview and is generated using our example data, this will not show you the same values as what you would see when running the paywall via the simulator or on a physical device. 


Let me know if that helps! 


