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New iOS and RevenueCat developer here, and I’m converting a paid app to subscription. I’ve read this article, and gone through the PurchasesHelper code.


To help me understand better, and so it’s easier for me to maintain later on, I prefer not to simply copy and paste code. So I’ve done my best to write this my self.


Since it’s difficult to test properly in a sandbox environment (or is beyond my technical know-how) and the importance of getting this right on the first try, I was wondering if someone can take a look at my code below and let me know if this will work in production:


In my app struct, I have:


struct MyApp: App {

init() {
Purchases.logLevel = .error
with: Configuration.Builder(withAPIKey: AppConstants.apiKey)
.with(storeKitVersion: .storeKit2)

Purchases.shared.delegate = PurchasesDelegateHandler.shared

var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
.task {
do {
// Fetch the available offerings
UserViewModel.shared.offerings = try await Purchases.shared.offerings()
} catch {
print("Error fetching offerings: \(error)")


and the UserViewModel:


/* Static shared model for UserView */
class UserViewModel: ObservableObject {

static let shared = UserViewModel()

/* The latest CustomerInfo from RevenueCat. Updated by PurchasesDelegate whenever the Purchases SDK updates the cache */
@Published var customerInfo: CustomerInfo? {
didSet {

// Purchased before build 6? Automatic entitlement to full app

if let originalApplicationVersion = customerInfo?.originalApplicationVersion {
if AppConstants.backwardsCompatibilityVersions.contains(originalApplicationVersion) {
subscriptionActive = true

// Otherwise, get current entitlement

subscriptionActive = customerInfo?.entitlementsfAppConstants.entitlementID]?.isActive == true


/* The latest offerings - fetched from MagicWeatherApp.swift on app launch */
@Published var offerings: Offerings? = nil

/* Set from the didSet method of customerInfo above, based on the entitlement set in Constants.swift */
@Published var subscriptionActive: Bool = false {
didSet {
subscriptionNotActive = !subscriptionActive

@Published var subscriptionNotActive: Bool = true


Is this sufficient? There will be a “Restore Purchases” button at the bottom of the PaywallView. If I’ve understood the PurchasesHelper GitHub documentation, a call to Purchases.shared.restorePurchases() is enough, and there is no need to call syncPurchases().


Is my understanding of restorePurchases() vs syncPurchases() correct?


Thank you!

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