XCode: Version 13.0 (13A233)
macOS Deployment Target: 11.0
Install via Swift Package Manager
When I compile it prompts: No such module 'Purchases'
XCode: Version 13.0 (13A233)
macOS Deployment Target: 11.0
Install via Swift Package Manager
When I compile it prompts: No such module 'Purchases'
I ran into this problem before using SPM. What happened to me was that I modified the file’s name and class name which caused this error somehow. Delete the file and try again. Also try restarting Xcode. It’s a weird issue.
I ran into this problem before using SPM. What happened to me was that I modified the file’s name and class name which caused this error somehow. Delete the file and try again. Also try restarting Xcode. It’s a weird issue.
Thank you very much for your reply. After I installed Purchases using SPM, I didn't modify any file name or class name, and this error occurred when I imported Purchases directly. I also tried to restart the computer, but I still get this error.
Also try cleaning your build files (cmd + shift + k) and recompile.
Thank you all for your help, the problem has been solved. I just reinstalled purchases-ios a few times and solved it.
I don’t know why it takes a long time for this interface to load. Sometimes it takes many times to try for several hours.
The following installation page appeared
Then I set the parameters like this
In the process of my many attempts to install, this interface occasionally appeared
I had the same issue nothing above fixed it so I changed import RevenueCat not sure if will work but it removed the error.
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