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I am developing my app with React native plus Expo.

It provides an inapp subscription using RevenueCat.

The app works well on my local PC and I could successfully purchase subscription plans.

These are the commands I built the local version :

$ npx expo prebuild

$ npx expo run;android --device

$ npx expo start --dev-client 


After the local test, I built a PRODUCTION profile of my app by the following command

$ eas build --platform android --profile production


Then I launched it on the close-test track of the Google Play console.

But the app does not work for paywall screen.

Actually, it displays the home screen, and it gets stuck when I click the purchase button which

is supposed to display packages, offerings, or whatever on the next next paywall screen.


Any idea about where can I see to address this issue?

Thank you in advance.


Hi @gou-pok-9360cf,

Has the closed test track been published and approved by Google and are you currently testing with a licensed user that has been invited to the track? Either of these things could cause the purchase process not to flow as expected or for errors to be thrown.

Hi, Kaitlin

I uploaded my app on the close-test track but it has NOT been approved yet (actually rejected once).

The tester has been registered on the email list and legimately invited to the close test.

I guess this issue MIGHT NOT be caused by some kind of technical problem, but by some kind of 

policy issues or something like that.

So at this point, I will just wait until my app pass the review process.

After that, I will take actions for this issue.

Your remarks are really helpful for my future approach.

Thank you for your suggestion.