Struggling a bit with building a dev build for Expo for an Android app.
I get the error:
> Manifest merger failed : uses-sdk:minSdkVersion 23 cannot be smaller than version 24 declared in library [com.revenuecat.purchases:purchases-hybrid-common-ui:10.5.0]
Which points to the purchases-hybrid-common-ui library but I haven’t been able to find a solution.
There seems to be a post for this issue but I followed it and could not make it work.. not sure if that solution is exactly correct for all use cases of configuration:
I tried adding the implementations as mentioned here:
and looked through various solutions similar to this:
The solution suggestions from the build log itself are:
use a compatible library with a minSdk of at most 23,
or increase this project's minSdk version to at least 24,
or use tools:overrideLibrary="com.revenuecat.purchases.hybridcommon.ui" to force usage (may lead to runtime failures)
I think I’ve tried all of these and the build still fails :/
but nothing works.
My package.json versions:
"react-native-purchases": "^7.27.0",
"react-native-purchases-ui": "^7.27.0",
My android/app/src/build.gradle file:
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion rootProject.ext.minSdkVersion
My android/build.gradle file:
buildscript {
ext {
buildToolsVersion = findProperty('android.buildToolsVersion') ?: '34.0.0'
minSdkVersion = Integer.parseInt(findProperty('android.minSdkVersion') ?: '24')
compileSdkVersion = Integer.parseInt(findProperty('android.compileSdkVersion') ?:
targetSdkVersion = Integer.parseInt(findProperty('android.targetSdkVersion') ?:
kotlinVersion = findProperty('android.kotlinVersion') ?: '1.8.10'
I am not sure what the configuration should be.
Has anyone come across this before?