I realize I’m using beta versions of macOS Ventura and Xcode so this may be an Apple bug, but I was wondering if anyone has had troubles with subscribing recently?
I even created a new testing email address in App Store Connect, but I still have problems. I can go through the subscription process, but when it gets to the end and displays the “Your all set” alert, I get an “unknown error” appear after that and the subscription doesn’t take.
Here’s some of the error messages I’m seeing in the log:
:Purchases] - DEBUG: StoreKit1Wrapper (0x0000600002515d40) removedTransaction: tf_annual_sub_1 (Couldn’t communicate with a helper a2023-02-20 14:59:45.422071-0700 Tap Forms Pro025049:318385] rPurchases] - ERROR:
Product purchase for 'tf_annual_sub_1' failed with error: Error Domain=RevenueCat.ErrorCode Code=0 "Unknown error." UserInfo={source_function=handleFailedTransaction(_:), NSUnderlyingError=0x600000c00f00 {Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "Couldn’t communicate with a helper application."}, NSLocalizedDescription=Unknown error., readable_error_code=UNKNOWN, source_file=RevenueCat/PurchasesOrchestrator.swift:733}
I’m using the version from GitHub with hash: 3cc302bc83e0e33ad8f3d12b84cec225a865f1eb. I had to use that one because 14.17.6 had that compile error in PurchasesOrchestrator.
Other errors in the log are:
ERROR: SKProductsRequest took longer than 30 seconds, cancelling request and returning an empty set. This seems to be an App Store quirk. If this is happening to you consistently, you might want to try using a new Sandbox account. More information: https://rev.cat/skproductsrequest-hangs
I did create a new Sandbox account. But it didn’t help.
Also originally I had the flag set to specifically use StoreKit2, but I noticed a deprecation warning for it stating to remove that flag and RevenueCat will decide which StoreKit version to use.
The next time I launch my app and try to subscribe, I get an alert that says “You’re currently subscribed” with a Cancel and Manage button. However, RevenueCat doesn’t think I’m subscribed, so that’s why it’s even asking me to subscribe.
Has anyone else encountered an issue like this? If so, is there a solution? Or do I just wait it out and hope that Apple and/or RevenueCat are able to get this working again?