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iOS Payment Sheet not appearing


I’m trying to test making a purchase on iOS but the purchasePackage method just hangs and does not resolve or throw and error. 


I’m currently using a physicial device with iOS 17.4.1, I’m using capacitor in vue 3 with @revenuecat/purchases-capacitor 7.5.9. My xCode is 15.2.


I’m able to get the offerings no problem and pass it to the purchasePackage method but nothing happens, the payment sheet does not appear. I left if for like 10 minutes and it still did not appear or throw an error.


Any help would be appreciated 

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2 replies

RevenueCat Staff
  • RevenueCat Staff
  • 240 replies
  • May 20, 2024

Hi @mitch-596c01! Could you provide debug logs as well as a snippet of your implementation code? Also, are you using a sandbox user or StoreKit (docs)?

  • Author
  • New Member
  • 1 reply
  • May 25, 2024

Hey @jeffrey_bunn

Thanks for the reply, there aren’t any error logs when I try and make purchase. I can post all the configure and signing a user in, and getting the offerings if you think that would be helpful. I’m using a sandbox user on a physical device. I tried StoreKit with an emulator but had the same issue.

Here are the code snippets of the implementation:

Created function on the component:

async created() {
    if (this.isNativePlatform()) {
      try {
        this.isLoadingOffering = true;
        const offerings = await Purchases.getOfferings();

        this.isLoadingOffering = false;

        if (offerings.current !== null && offerings.current.availablePackages.length !== 0) {
          this.offerings = offerings.current.availablePackages;
          this.selectedPackageToBuy = offerings.current.availablePackages[0];

        await Purchases.addCustomerInfoUpdateListener((customerInfo) => {
          this.customerInfo = customerInfo;
      } catch (error) {
        this.isLoadingOffering = false;


Make purchase function on the button on click:

 makePurchase() {
      this.isLoading = true;
      Purchases.purchasePackage({ aPackage: this.selectedPackageToBuy })
        .then(() => {
          console.log('makePurchase then');
        .catch((error) => {
          console.log('Purchases.purchasePackage error');

          this.isLoading = false;

The Purchases.purchasePackage function never resolves


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