I created a new iOS project on AppStore Connect 2-3 weeks ago.
I was almost finished with my app, but I realized a bug. I’m using the Flutter platform to develop my new app.
The checkTrialOrIntroductoryPriceEligibility method returns introEligibilityStatusUnknown when I added an Introductory offer to my subscription.
(If I have not added an Introductory Offer to my subscription, in this case the checkTrialOrIntroductoryPriceEligibility returns introEligibilityStatusNoIntroOfferExists. So it is working correctly in this case.)
The checkTrialOrIntroductoryPriceEligibility method and code has worked in my previous projects.
Has anything changed on the iOS side? Or is it a bug on the Revenuecat side?
Revenucat package (Flutter): purchases_flutter: ^4.11.1
I tested it on Testflight version, and debug mode also.
Thanks for your help.