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iOS App Account Token support?

  • 12 May 2022
  • 5 replies

I see that RC’s StoreKit 2 beta is hopefully (!) coming soon. Will this support the appAccountToken on the StoreKit transaction?

5 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

Hey @Phil Mitchell!

I don’t believe we’re launching support for the `appAccountToken` with our StoreKit 2 release - that being said, I’ll leave this thread open in case others want to drop a +1 for support in the comments!

Badge +3

@cody If the appAccountToken isn’t available, how does one associate the webhook transaction with a specific user in our database?  For example, how do we disable functionality if a user fails to renew a subscription?

Userlevel 1
Badge +3

+1 for this functionality. When receiving forwarded server notifications, the appAccountToken is used as a secure way to link the transaction to a specific user. 

Badge +2

Any update on this?

Any update on this? we also stuck on the same.
