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Introductory Offer Stopped Working for Reviewer


Hi there, 

so my app has a few options for subscriptions. A couple of those options have an introductory offer. When my app builds my paywall VC it fetches all my products from Revenuecat and uses them to fill in the regular price from the products respective .localizedPriceString. The setup function then passes through a guard which checks if the user has subscribed before by calling .getCustomerInfo and verifying if both .entitilments.all and .allPurchasedProductIdentifiers are empty. If they both come back empty then the introductory prices are added to my paywall vc as well to be presented to the user.

In my own sandbox testing this seems to work fine. I submitted my app for review, and it has been rejected a few times now. The first couple were for other issues so assumed the paywall experience was fine. The Revenuecat customer sandbox account seemed to say so. However I have now been rejected a couple times in a row because my paywall is preseting the reviewer the intro pricing but when the apple payment screen comes up it is charging them the regular price. I again looked in revenuecat and their appeared to be a payment error after a slew of different types of transaction attempts and activity on the reviewer's part within a very short time frame.

I deleted their customer sandbox account in Revenuecat and asked the reviewer to both reinstall the app and use a different sandbox account. The reviewer seems not willing to acknowledge my request to perform these steps and I have since had an ongoing issue now that I have escalated to the App Store review board for both this and the fact that this particular reviewer doesn't seem to be reading any of my review notes or acknowledging any of my messages, I instead just keep getting rejected with a generic answer about how my subscriptions do not contain my intro pricing. (which they do and I have sent pictures along with screen shots of the process working fine in my testing environment).

Before I go even deeper into this with them though, is there any reason you can think of or have experienced which may explain with this might be happening? Is there something else I may have missed?

RevenueCat Staff
  • RevenueCat Staff
  • June 28, 2022

Hey @Rory Balmer!

This would happen if the reviewer used the same test account that previously purchased, but had a different App User ID in your app. 

There is a method, checkTrialOrIntroDiscountEligibility, that you can use to check intro eligibility that uses the content of the device receipt to determine eligibility - which is based on the underlying Apple account, versus the RevenueCat App User ID - which is based on the status in RevenueCat.


Thank you Ryan this may save me a whole lot of time! Is this a revenuecat method? Do you by chance have documentation you can point me towards?

RevenueCat Staff
  • RevenueCat Staff
  • June 28, 2022


So I am having a very peculiar experience. I implemented checkTrialOrIntroDiscountEligibility and now the opposite is occurring when I test it. It is reading that both my subscriptions with intro offers are not eligible as I have subscribed to them before, but now the apple payment sheet IS always showing the intro price.

Am I meant to use just checkTrialOrIntroDiscountEligibility or am I better of using a combination of this as well as checking revenuecat for purchases?


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