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Hi !

In my iOS application (iOS 15.0), I would like to implement the new beginRefundRequest(in:)

func beginRefundRequest(in scene: UIWindowScene) async throws -> Transaction.RefundRequestStatus

Reference available here:


The fact is that, at the moment I can’t figure out how to get `Transactions` from `SKPaymentQueue` from RevenueCats SDK… I’ve found stuffs in `RCStoreKitWrapper` > `RCStoreKitWrapperDelegate` to get `updatedTransaction` delegate but these are private/protected so I can’t have any access to them outside the SDK…

So here is my question: How can I add this new `beginRefundRequest` in my app ? :-)

Thanks a lot for your answer

Best regards



Hey @JayJay_Paris!

Our SDK team is working on supporting this new feature, and it should be included in v4 of the iOS SDK. You can follow along here:

Thanks for your answer 👍

Have a great weekend

