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We are doing subscriptions by account in our Flutter app.

When I log out and reconfigure from customer ID 1 to ID 2, the customer info of 1 will no longer have the purchase, and 2 gets it even though it didn't make the purchase. How can I make the purchase "stick" to ID 1? 

Is this possible to do without the webhook or is it needed?

Hey @joseph-valle-a4a3e6,

This is the intended behavior when you have your restore purchases behavior set to “Transfer to new app user id”. It can happen more often in testing if you are not changing the underlying sandbox account that you’re using, as receipts are ultimately tied back to the store account and only one user is able to access purchases at a time. 

There are a few other options for restore behavior - you can set it to “Transfer if there are no active subscriptions”, which will keep subscriptions associated to the app user id that they were purchased with, but allow churned users to return with a different app user id and purchase again. There is also “Keep with original app user id”, which blocks transfers altogether and throws an error if a user attempts to restore from a different id. We only recommend this behavior if you have strict log in logic that requires all users to have an account before purchasing. 

You can read more about each behavior here: