First of all, Great product team!
This is for macOS.
I want to make sure following:
- Deny sandbox entitlements on AppStore
- AppStore reviewer should be able to access pro content after they do payment
Lets say I use customerInfo.entitlements.activeInCurrentEnvironment[“pro”] to unlock access, what will happen when AppStore reviewer tests payment flow to unlock access? I assume it will not work as that environment uses sandbox for payments.
I tested this on TestFlight and activeInCurrentEnvironment looks for non sandbox entitlements and does not find one.
Basically this code of checking sandbox env ignores macOS TestFlight and I assume will ignore AppStore review environment also:
var isSandbox: Bool {
return path.contains("Xcode/DerivedData")
Also if I am doing this filtering myself instead of activeInCurrentEnvironment:
For macOS TestFlight detection this gist works:
Does anyone know safe way to detect AppStore Review env to allow sandbox entitlements?