Hey @Diegocidm4
Unfortunately Google does’t provide us with any information for version or the date of the first installation of the app by this user. A work around would be to grant promotional entitlements to certain accounts that you know are paid android accounts. If you know the accounts you want to give access, for example if you had record of those accounts on your back end, you could give access via our REST API.
Good morning, I have tried to test the REST API that you indicate to me, but I always get the answer {
"code": 7117,
"message": "Page not found."
I am calling the url https://api.revenuecat.com/v1/subscribers/diegocidm4%40gmail.com/entitlements/suscripcionAnual/promotional /? Duration = lifetime and indicating the API Key in the headers.
Hey @Diegocidm4 ,
Is diegocidm4%40gmail.com
an App User ID in RevenueCat? This error could be occurring if you are trying to grant a promotional for an App User ID not found in our system.
Hello, the id diegocidm4@hotmail.com is an Apple id that I want to offer free access to from revenuecat. What is the way to register a user in revenuecat without the need for the user to buy the subscription?
Hey @Diegocidm4 ,
How are you identifying users in your system? We have some documentation on identifying users here: https://docs.revenuecat.com/docs/user-ids.
In my app, users do not need a registration for their access, so, after their first comment, I was thinking about how to retrieve the google play user who has bought the app to associate a promotion with it, but for what I have read it is not possible to use this approach. What would be your recommendation to offer a promotional code for subscriptions to users who have already paid for the subscription based solely on their associated google account?
I am facing this situation as well. The general advice is that you can save the installed version to a SharedPreference, which will persist between app installs. If you are in a position to be able to make an update before changing to the subscription model, and have a reasonable expectation that the majority of your users will update the app to this pre-subscription version, then this route is possible. The flow then is to check the version number that was installed previously, compare to the current version number, and if they are upgrading from e.g. v1 to v2, then register the free subscription.
However, there is another route you can take which is to add the MY_PACKAGE_REPLACED intent to your subscription version of the app. Using this, you will receive an event that tells you if the app has been updated, although there is no other information included. In this case, you will need to wait for this event to be received - it is not sent on app startup, but slightly after this. In my app, I wait for onCreateView to be called on my first Fragment before checking.
In this case the flow is similar to the first case, but you have to make a slightly more complicated check. This is the Kotlin code I’m using for this:
ReinstallReceiver is a BroadcastReceiver subclass, that simply sets installState to ReinstallState.Reinstall when it receives the intent.
lastInstalledVersionCode is the version code saved in SharedPreferences or 0 if there is no code.
fun calculateUpgradeType (): UpgradeType {
// Make sure to run this _after_ the ReinstallReceiver might have been called!
// we have a version number, so we must have v2+ already installed
if (lastInstalledVersionCode > 0L) {
// The app has a version number, and was not upgraded, so it must be a normal launch
if (installState == ReinstallState.Unchecked) {
return UpgradeType.V2Launch
// The app has been upgraded to another version 2
else if (installState == ReinstallState.Reinstall) {
return UpgradeType.V2Update
// we do not have a version number
} else {
// it was not an update, therefore this is a new install of v2
if (installState == ReinstallState.Unchecked) {
return UpgradeType.V2Fresh
// it was an update, therefore we must be upgrading from v1
else if (installState == ReinstallState.Reinstall) {
return UpgradeType.V1Upgrade
return UpgradeType.V2Launch
From my testing, this works in every case except:
If the user has v1 installed, but has never opened it OR
The user has bought the app, but has uninstalled it or is installing on a new device.
If this function returns V1Upgrade, then I register the free subscription as above.
Thank you very much, I will review what you tell me to see what solution I can offer.
Hi @Owen Bennett, in your previous comment you say:
“I am facing this situation as well. The general advice is that you can save the installed version to a SharedPreference, which will persist between app installs. If you are in a position to be able to make an update before changing to the subscription model, and have a reasonable expectation that the majority of your users will update the app to this pre-subscription version, then this route is possible. The flow then is to check the version number that was installed previously, compare to the current version number, and if they are upgrading from e.g. v1 to v2, then register the free subscription.”
According to these indications, I can create a new version of the paid app, which registers a free subscription for each user who has access to it before changing the payment mode to subscription.
In this case, how do I create a free subscription? There is no user registry in my app.
You’ll need to implement user registration in order to set up subscriptions if you want to use RevenueCat.