When I am setting attributes with Cordova whether generically like this:
Purchases.setAttributes({“age”: “24”});
Or when using something like the display name like this:
I always end up with an error message that looks like this:
To Native Cordova -> PurchasesPlugin setAttributes INVALID ["options": [{
age = 24;
Or this for the display name:
To Native Cordova -> PurchasesPlugin setDisplayName INVALID ["options": [Doe]]
Am I missing something? I went through and updated everything in my app to be uptodate. I am using the following versions of things:
"@ionic-native/core": "^5.35.0",
"@ionic-native/purchases": "^5.35.0",
"cordova-plugin-purchases": "^2.3.0",
Everything else with purchases is working just fine as far as I can tell, I just can’t seem to use it to set an attribute.