
How do I set attributes with Cordova? It always returns invalid.

  • 3 August 2021
  • 6 replies

Badge +5

When I am setting attributes with Cordova whether generically like this:

Purchases.setAttributes({“age”: “24”});

Or when using something like the display name like this:


I always end up with an error message that looks like this:

To Native Cordova ->  PurchasesPlugin setAttributes INVALID ["options": [{
    age = 24;

Or this for the display name:

To Native Cordova ->  PurchasesPlugin setDisplayName INVALID ["options": [Doe]]


Am I missing something? I went through and updated everything in my app to be uptodate. I am using the following versions of things:

"@ionic-native/core": "^5.35.0",
"@ionic-native/purchases": "^5.35.0",
"cordova-plugin-purchases": "^2.3.0",

Everything else with purchases is working just fine as far as I can tell, I just can’t seem to use it to set an attribute.

6 replies

Badge +3

Hello, @Asher Did you solve the issue you faced?

I am getting the same error like you in my ionic capacitor project.

PurchasesPlugin setAttributes INVALID ["options": [{

    "$displayName" = test;

    "$email" = "";

    "$firebaseAppInstanceId" = K3Qnk3yQQ7qGeIAENofl;

    adultType = "";

    childType = "";


but that worked sometimes, I am not sure what I am missing.

I want to solve this issue.


Badge +3

So I just checked and JavaScript/Typescript doesn’t like the kind of quotes you used in the array {“age”: “24”});

This could of course be to styling on the RevenueCat webpage but the Public Key in the line above has the correct double quotes. Worth a shot!

Userlevel 5
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Hey @Asher!

No worries, I just removed the best answer. I will forward your request into our ticketing system to collect some additional information and will post back here once we figure out what’s going on. 

Badge +5

Oops I accidentally clicked best answer and it doesn’t seem like there is a way to undo that. :sweat:

Badge +5

Yes this is the current order I run things:


Purchases.setup("publicKey", 'UserID');

Purchases.setAttributes({“age”: “24”});

All of this runs in  function onDeviceReady()

Userlevel 5
Badge +10

Hi @Asher!

That error is actually not something that RevenueCat throws, it looks like it’s coming from the system. Just to confirm, are you calling the setAttributes(...) and setDisplayName(...) after calling setup
