I noticed when testing that my subscription expires pretty quickly. Subscription acceleration is vaguely explained in the docs (more details would be super helpful). The odd thing is that if I go through with the purchase again, it appears to succeed (it does not throw a PlatformException) but then when I print the entitlements right after the purchase code (await Purchases.purchasePackage(package)) I see this:
{premium: EntitlementInfo{identifier: premium, isActive: false, willRenew: false, periodType: PeriodType.normal, latestPurchaseDate: 2021-09-22T01:58:04Z, originalPurchaseDate: 2021-09-21T20:58:05Z, expirationDate: 2021-09-22T02:58:04Z, store: Store.appStore, productIdentifier: jsdev_59_1y_1w0, isSandbox: true, unsubscribeDetectedAt: 2021-09-22T02:59:55Z, billingIssueDetectedAt: null}}
If going through with a purchase does not renew an expired subscription, what does?
(sorry for the mediocre formatting, your code formatter for this forum doesn’t support markdown and doesn’t support dart/flutter)