As far as I understand, the onPurchaseError callback on the PaywallView gets called whenever any of these errors occur:
I’ve been testing this by canceling a purchase. But as far as I can tell nothing inside the function call is getting executed:
onPurchaseError: (error) {
log(“Hello World”);
If I look into my logs, I can see that the error was thrown correctly though:
E/[Purchases] - ERROR( 4764): 🤖‼️ BillingWrapper purchases failed to update: DebugMessage: . ErrorCode: USER_CANCELED.null
E/[Purchases] - ERROR( 4764): 🤖‼️ PurchasesError(code=PurchaseCancelledError, underlyingErrorMessage=Error updating purchases. DebugMessage: . ErrorCode: USER_CANCELED., message='Purchase was cancelled.')
I’m using:
> purchases_flutter 8.6.1
> purchases_ui_flutter 8.6.1
Observations apply to both V1 and V2 paywalls.
So far, all that I can only confidently say is that onPurchaseComplete and onRestoreComplete are working as intended
Using displayCloseButton and onDismiss doesn’t show a close button either.
Haven’t tested onRestoreError yet.