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Flutter paywall purchases_ui_flutter show full screen, top has some padding

  • 22 March 2024
  • 2 replies

I am using the Flutter purchases_ui_flutter package and I love it so far.


When the paywall screen is shown, the top of the pages shows almost to the top, but not quite. Is there a way to allow the screen to go all the way to the top of the page?




Hi @jedipixels,

If you use the `presentPaywall` or `presentPaywallIfneeded` methods, the paywall is presented as a modal sheet in iOS ( This means that there will be some space at the top to be able to see the background. In android, it’s presented as a full screen activity.

If you need further customization, please take a look at using the `PaywallView` component to wrap the paywall into a view: That would allow you to completely customize the appearance but you will need to handle presentation/dismissal yourself.

Let us know if you have any other questions!

Hi @toni-rico,

Thank you so much for the link, using PaywallView worked great...