I get this warning in the console: “The value for FacebookAdvertiserIDCollectionEnabled is currently set to FALSE so you're sending app events without collecting Advertiser ID. This can affect the quality of your advertising and analytics results.”
I believe I’m following the instructions for setting this stuff. On app load:
await Purchases.setDebugLogsEnabled(true);
await Purchases.setup(JumpspeakConfig.revenueCatApiKey);
await Purchases.collectDeviceIdentifiers();
final facebookAppEvents = FacebookAppEvents();
await facebookAppEvents.setAutoLogAppEventsEnabled(false);
final facebookAnonymousId = await facebookAppEvents.getAnonymousId();
if (facebookAnonymousId == null) {
logError('Could not get anonymous Facebook ID');
} else {
await Purchases.setFBAnonymousID(facebookAnonymousId);
FacebookAppEvents is a 3rd party library but I confirmed it gives me an anonymous ID (that error log does not get reached)
I also confirmed the values we should see for the customer if this is done right:
are not registered.
I’m pretty sure I’m following the docs here pretty exact:
Does `collectDeviceIdentifiers` register this info?