I’m seeing this error pop up in production only, through Sentry logs. It is intermittent -- it looks like most users are able to subscribe successfully. And, I know that in some cases this may be a legitimate situation where someone clicks purchase and then cancels out of it.
However, I see this happening a lot more than I would expect if it were just that situation. In addition, I have specific reports of users trying to make the purchase and seeing an error message in my app. When I triangulate that back to the Sentry issue occurring on that device at that time, it’s the “Purchase was cancelled” error.
So my question is, if the user is saying they are attempting to purchase and not canceling it, but they are still getting this error back from RC, how can I further debug?
For additional context here is the complete error I get back from RC. Again, this happens intermittently when users attempt to make a purchase, even if they state that they did not cancel it:
code: 1,
message: Purchase was cancelled.,
name: Error,
nativeStackAndroid: [Array],
Error: Purchase was cancelled. at promiseMethodWrapper (address at index.android.bundle:1:169656) at anonymous (address at index.android.bundle:1:807563) at call (native) at step (address at index.android.bundle:1:803639) at anonymous (address at index.android.bundle:1:802746) at fulfilled (address at index.android.bundle:1:802369) at tryCallOne (address at index.android.bundle:1:1401639) at anonymous (address at index.android.bundle:1:1402324) at apply (native) at anonymous (address at index.android.bundle:1:331859) at _callTimer (address at index.android.bundle:1:330858) at _callReactNativeMicrotasksPass (address at index.android.bundle:1:331002) at callReactNativeMicrotasks (address at index.android.bundle:1:332931) at __callReactNativeMicrotasks (address at index.android.bundle:1:151742) at anonymous (address at index.android.bundle:1:150878) at __guard (address at index.android.bundle:1:151616) at flushedQueue (address at index.android.bundle:1:150789) at invokeCallbackAndReturnFlushedQueue (address at index.android.bundle:1:150732)
userCancelled: true
Thanks so much in advance for any assistance!