We have the combined issues of 1) purchase requests hanging and 2) PurchaseErrorCode.operationAlreadyInProgress for our flutter app. Haven’t been able to reproduce on our side but have several users recently report this.
Example of a recent Android report: https://finch.hellonext.co/b/Bugs/p/can-t-sign-up-for-trial-with-monthly-billing.
We always display the error code that is returned (like in the bug report screenshot) but it sounds like some users can have requestToPurchaseProduct effectively hang without an error code returned. Is requestToPurchaseProduct always supposed to throw an error to timeout, or are we expected to handle timing out purchase requests ourselves?
After the hanging, users who close the app and retry again end up getting stuck with PurchaseErrorCode.operationAlreadyInProgress. The error documentation said to wait but the user has been stuck with PurchaseErrorCode.operationAlreadyInProgress for a while, so is there any recommended ways to debug/handle this state?