The following issue (https://github.com/RevenueCat/react-native-purchases/issues/200) was closed but I am still experiencing the error when I do a release build of a new scheme (i.e. staging, prod etc) of my React Native app. This was fine until now as we had a workaround of removing the `build` and `pods` folders and reinstalling the pods i.e. `rm -rf ios/build && rm -rf ios/pods && yarn && cd ios && pod install` every time we switched schemes and wanted to do a new release build.However, in the last few days, we have added an Apple Watch Extension to our RN app which is built using SwiftUI. Anytime that we try to build the Watch App with preview mode enabled (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/previews-in-xcode) it fails with the following errors.
Declaration of 'RCPurchases' must be imported from module 'Purchases' before it is required
Could not build Objective-C module 'PurchasesHybridCommon'

Is there any workaround to this? It is not feasible for us to rebuild the native watch app every time we make changes to the SwiftUI code.From reading through https://github.com/RevenueCat/react-native-purchases/issues/200 it seems that no fix was ever replaced. Any help would be greatly appreciated, as we want to release our Apple Watch app to our users in the next couple of weeks.