I am using flutter_inapp_purchase to manage in app purchase for my app. Now I migate old subscription that purchase by flutter_inapp_purchase to RC(RevenueCat) via Client Side Migration. But when I run drop release I got some crash:
No virtual method getSku()Ljava/lang/String; in class Lcom/android/billingclient/api/Purchase; or its super classes (declaration of 'com.android.billingclient.api.Purchase' appears in /data/app/~~xCl5ZlazDyYqv4VPMsJnNg==/plant.identification.snap-HZYCA9GF94ar8lvpjvIVmQ==/base.apk)
at com.dooboolab.flutterinapppurchase.AndroidInappPurchasePlugin$7.onPurchasesUpdated(AndroidInappPurchasePlugin.java:98)
I have to use flutter_inapp_purchase to get subscription info then send it to RC. But flutter_inapp_purchase using Google Play Billing Library 3.0 and RC using Google Play Billing Library 4.0 that removed getSku() function.
Do you have solution for this?
Thank you