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Is this to be expected? I’ve setup my free trial in App Store Connect for one of my two products (the annual plan) and everything on that end seems to be good to go. But every time I hit checkTrialOrIntroductoryPriceEligibility in my simulator i’m getting INTRO_ELIGIBILITY_STATUS_NO_INTRO_OFFER_EXISTS.


Is there anything I need to do in my Revenuecat dashboard to support adding a free trial? I’m seeing the free trial discount details coming down on product.discounts.0] from my getOfferings call.

offerings.current.availablePackages = [
"identifier": "$rc_monthly",
"offeringIdentifier": "default",
"packageType": "MONTHLY",
"product": {
"priceString": "$4.99",
"introPrice": null,
"identifier": "kma_499_1m",
"currencyCode": "USD",
"productType": "NON_CONSUMABLE",
"discounts": [],
"description": "Access videos and our training tracker",
"title": "Monthly premium subscription",
"price": 4.99,
"productCategory": "SUBSCRIPTION",
"subscriptionPeriod": "P1M"
"offeringIdentifier": "default",
"identifier": "$rc_annual",
"product": {
"currencyCode": "USD",
"priceString": "$49.99",
"title": "Annual premium subscription",
"description": "Access videos and our training tracker",
"discounts": [
"identifier": "annual_free_trial",
"price": 0,
"priceString": "$0.00",
"period": "P3D",
"periodNumberOfUnits": 3,
"cycles": 1,
"periodUnit": "DAY"
"productType": "NON_CONSUMABLE",
"identifier": "kma_4999_1y",
"productCategory": "SUBSCRIPTION",
"subscriptionPeriod": "P1Y",
"price": 49.989999999999995,
"introPrice": null
"packageType": "ANNUAL"

availableOffers = {
"kma_4999_1y": {
"description": "Product does not have trial or introductory price.",
"status": 3
"kma_499_1m": {
"status": 3,
"description": "Product does not have trial or introductory price."


sharing the returned data from Purchases.getOfferings() and Purchases.checkTrialOrIntroductoryPriceEligibility(t‘kma_4999_1y’, ‘kma_499_1m’])

Hi @lfkwtz,

First, are you using StoreKitTest when testing on simulator? If yes, you’ll need to make sure the free trial is added to the StoreKitTest configuration file as well.

Normally I would recommend using StoreKitTest on simulator or the sandbox environment on a real device. Since you’re setting things up in App Store Connect try testing on a real device and see if that fixes things.

Just tested on a development build on a real device and I’m getting the same result.

I read in the forums that sandbox / development environments can sometimes result in the INTRO_ELIGIBILITY_STATUS_UNKNOWN error --- but i’m getting INTRO_ELIGIBILITY_STATUS_NO_INTRO_OFFER_EXISTS which makes me think this is a separate issue not related to being in a development environment?

figured out the issue.

i had setup a “promotional offer” for a 3 day trial but what i needed was an “introductory offer” for a 3 day trial.