offerings.current.availablePackages = [
"identifier": "$rc_monthly",
"offeringIdentifier": "default",
"packageType": "MONTHLY",
"product": {
"priceString": "$4.99",
"introPrice": null,
"identifier": "kma_499_1m",
"currencyCode": "USD",
"productType": "NON_CONSUMABLE",
"discounts": [],
"description": "Access videos and our training tracker",
"title": "Monthly premium subscription",
"price": 4.99,
"productCategory": "SUBSCRIPTION",
"subscriptionPeriod": "P1M"
"offeringIdentifier": "default",
"identifier": "$rc_annual",
"product": {
"currencyCode": "USD",
"priceString": "$49.99",
"title": "Annual premium subscription",
"description": "Access videos and our training tracker",
"discounts": [
"identifier": "annual_free_trial",
"price": 0,
"priceString": "$0.00",
"period": "P3D",
"periodNumberOfUnits": 3,
"cycles": 1,
"periodUnit": "DAY"
"productType": "NON_CONSUMABLE",
"identifier": "kma_4999_1y",
"productCategory": "SUBSCRIPTION",
"subscriptionPeriod": "P1Y",
"price": 49.989999999999995,
"introPrice": null
"packageType": "ANNUAL"
availableOffers = {
"kma_4999_1y": {
"description": "Product does not have trial or introductory price.",
"status": 3
"kma_499_1m": {
"status": 3,
"description": "Product does not have trial or introductory price."
sharing the returned data from Purchases.getOfferings() and Purchases.checkTrialOrIntroductoryPriceEligibility(t‘kma_4999_1y’, ‘kma_499_1m’])
Hi @lfkwtz,
First, are you using StoreKitTest when testing on simulator? If yes, you’ll need to make sure the free trial is added to the StoreKitTest configuration file as well.
Normally I would recommend using StoreKitTest on simulator or the sandbox environment on a real device. Since you’re setting things up in App Store Connect try testing on a real device and see if that fixes things.
Just tested on a development build on a real device and I’m getting the same result.
I read in the forums that sandbox / development environments can sometimes result in the INTRO_ELIGIBILITY_STATUS_UNKNOWN error --- but i’m getting INTRO_ELIGIBILITY_STATUS_NO_INTRO_OFFER_EXISTS which makes me think this is a separate issue not related to being in a development environment?
figured out the issue.
i had setup a “promotional offer” for a 3 day trial but what i needed was an “introductory offer” for a 3 day trial.