Hi there,
I set up a (already working) base plan and now want to add some offers to it.
I set up the base plan and followed your guide to add an offer in Google Play.
Settings are “Eligibility criteria”: Developer determined (as I want to decide whom to show the offering), and set up a Discounted recurring payment phase. I named the offer “test2alle”. Then I activated it.
When I try to fetch offerings via
Offerings? offerings = await Purchases.getOfferings();
and print the results (just 4 developing reasons) only the base plan appears. Even when i call
offeringtext = offerings!.getOffering("default")!.annual!.storeProduct.subscriptionOptions as suggestet here (
) the offering is not appearing in my output and i cant find it anywhere:
eSubscriptionOption(id: fumi-pro-year-2023, storeProductId: fumi.pro.year.new:fumi-pro-year-2023, productId: fumi.pro.year.new, pricingPhases: nPricingPhase(billingPeriod: Period(unit: PeriodUnit.year, value: 1, iso8601: P1Y), recurrenceMode: RecurrenceMode.infiniteRecurring, billingCycleCount: 0, price: Price(formatted: €24.99, amountMicros: 24990000, currencyCode: EUR), offerPaymentMode: null)], tags: n], isBasePlan: true, billingPeriod: Period(unit: PeriodUnit.year, value: 1, iso8601: P1Y), isPrepaid: false, fullPricePhase: PricingPhase(billingPeriod: Period(unit: PeriodUnit.year, value: 1, iso8601: P1Y), recurrenceMode: RecurrenceMode.infiniteRecurring, billingCycleCount: 0, price: Price(formatted: €24.99, amountMicros: 24990000, currencyCode: EUR), offerPaymentMode: null), freePhase: null, introPhase: null, presentedOfferingIdentifier: default)]
What could be wrong? Many thanks for assistance :)