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Error: There is an issue with your configuration. Check the underlying error for more details. There's a problem with your configuration. None of the products registered in the RevenueCat dashboard could be fetched from App Store Connect (or the StoreKit Configuration file if one is being used. 

I keep getting this error when calling Purchases.getOfferings() but I am able to get result when calling getProducts((id]). my paid application agreement is active and i have my products inside the offerings.

I am stuck for weeks. i need help. i dont know what am i missing

Hi ​@xeno,

I’m sorry you are stuck with this issue, product configuration is a very frustrating process that we are working on making smoother. Do you have your products in either “Ready to submit” or “Approved” state? Normally this is the number 1 thing that can make your offering not appear. We also have this guide that can help you check everything. If you are still unable, you can create a support ticket so we’ll be able to help you in more detail.
