I have integrated RevenueCat into my Unity project version 2021.1.17. It worked fine on iOS but I can’t get it to work on Android. At first, I tried installing it alongside Unity IAP but it did not work. Then I tried removing Unity IAP but still cannot get RevenueCat to work. After launching my app, I get the following series of errors that show up on Android Logcat:
First, this error from UnityAds (I need RevenueCat and UnityAds to work together):
Error UnityAds com.unity3d.services.store.StoreBilling.asInterface() (line:7) :: Billing service stub not found: com.android.vending.billing.IInAppBillingService$Stub: Didn't find class "com.android.vending.billing.IInAppBillingService$Stub" on path: DexPathList[[zip file...
Next, this error from RevenueCat:
Error Purchases {"purchaserInfo":{"entitlements":{"all":{},"active":{}},"activeSubscriptions":[],"allPurchasedProductIdentifiers":[]…
Finally, when I try to purchase something, this error from RevenueCat:
Error Purchases {"error":{"code":5,"message":"The product is not available for purchase.","readableErrorCode":"ProductNotAvailableForPurchaseError","readable_error_code":"ProductNotAvailableForPurchaseError","underlyingErrorMessage":"Couldn't find product."}}
What do I need to do to make this work? (This project was already working using Unity IAP and is live on the Google Play Store with working in app purchases - I am just trying to migrate over to RevenueCat). Everything worked before with just Unity IAP.