Hi there,
this is kinda serious I think. The onPurchaseCompleted is not being called whenever I test in sandbox. Since this is the function recommended on the forum by other revenuecat staff, it kinda of shakes my confidence in RC unfortunately, especially when in other posts it was said “the team is investigating the issue”
Could someone kindly help out?
var body: some View {
// This view immediately triggers RevenueCat's paywall presentation.
PaywallView(displayCloseButton: false, performPurchase: nil, performRestore: nil)
.onPurchaseCompleted { res in
print("YAY! THANK YOU")
print("res = \(res)")
.onPurchaseFailure { error in
print("purchase error \(error)")
.onRequestedDismissal {
the `onPurchaseCompleted` and `onPurchaseFailure` are never called but `onRequestedDismissal` is.