We’re happy to announce that RevenueCat now supports Apple’s AdServices attribution framework for Apple Search Ads (ASA).
You can now view AdServices ASA attribution data within RevenueCat Charts. You can unlock insights to drive more profitable growth for your app by:
Filtering and segmenting RevenueCat charts by Apple Search Ads campaigns or ad groups
Following your campaign's install base over time to understand the long-tail revenue generated from subscriptions
We previously only supported Apple’s deprecated iAd attribution framework. While iAd gave in-depth attribution information you can only receive this data if users opted in through Ad-Tracking Transparency (ATT). The current AdServices framework is more focused on privacy and while it gives less individual depth on attribution data, you no longer require an ATT opt-in from the user, increasing the breadth of data you’ll collect.
This integration is available starting in these SDK versions:
iOS: purchases-ios 4.10.0
React Native: react-native-purchases 5.0.0-beta.4
Flutter: purchases-flutter 4.1.0
Cordova: cordova-plugin-purchases 3.0.0-rc.5
We hope this helps you to drive efficient growth for your app. Explore the docs here to configure the integration.