I checked a couple of articles including this one about how to sync between mobile app & web app. However, I am curious if there’s a preferred user flow when opening the mobile app for the first time if signed up on web. My concern is too much stuff to wade through just to get to the app content.
Today, I currently display a Paywall immediately when opening. After subscription is successful, we make them login - Google or Apple oAuth options only. At this time we call the RevenueCat `login` method so the email is linked to our backend auth `userId`. At this point - on mobile - the user & our DB is in sync.
On Web, all the user would have to do is login and then we check the RevenueCat SDK customer info to see if they were a mobile user.
However, if the user signs up on web & then opens on Mobile, is the solution to have an intermediate screen that offers “existing user login” or “continue for free” option which triggers the paywall? I don’t know that I like the sound of this...Yet we need a way to login and then sync to revenue cat. I supposed I would need to adjust the app opening experience.
Curious how you all handle this scenario.