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Subscription purchase history

  • 24 September 2021
  • 3 replies

Hello! We intend to provide a panel so the user can see their Purchase history.

The PurchaserInfo object provides a good list of nonSubscriptionTransactions that gives a solid output with product id and date of purchase for them. But for subscriptions we only get the latest for each product id, I see it is also the output from the API, so it’s not just a SDK limitation. Is there plans to add something more thorough? Is there any other endpoint where I could get such data? I’d rather not hunt down a local receipt for this (and of course I prefer it to be cross platform)


Best regards,


Hey @Rafael Nobre!

We don’t currently send historical transactions for subscription purchases in PurchaserInfo and we don’t yet provide this via our REST API. I’d be happy to pass this along as we look to improve our REST API.

In the mean time as a workaround, we provide ETL exports that include all transactions that you can consume into your own database. It might take a bit of work on your end, but could be a way to display this data for your customers.

Hi Do you still not sending subscription history details?

Hey @Rafael Nobre!

We don’t currently send historical transactions for subscription purchases in PurchaserInfo and we don’t yet provide this via our REST API. I’d be happy to pass this along as we look to improve our REST API.

In the mean time as a workaround, we provide ETL exports that include all transactions that you can consume into your own database. It might take a bit of work on your end, but could be a way to display this data for your customers.

We’d love to see this supported
