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Hello Team RC,

We are seeking clarification on the RC cancellation / refund activity.
According to the docs here "This will refund the last purchase, immediately expire the subscription, and remove entitlement access”
If my user is at day 27 of the month, and cancels the 9.99 subscription, does this mean that he gets $9.99 refunded, but loses entitlement for the last 3 days of the month?

According to Google Play’s docs “Google doesn't give refunds for most Google Play purchases.”

I also see in your docs that “Deleting a user from RevenueCat WILL NOT cancel their subscription”. Would it be better for us to delete the user rather than triggering the cancellation which would trigger a refund?

Can you clarify for us.


I’m also curious about this. Following...

Hello, just following up on this.

Can anyone at RevenueCat clarify this.



If my user is at day 27 of the month, and cancels the 9.99 subscription, does this mean that he gets $9.99 refunded, but loses entitlement for the last 3 days of the month?

Yes, that’s correct.

I also see in your docs that “Deleting a user from RevenueCat WILL NOT cancel their subscription”. Would it be better for us to delete the user rather than triggering the cancellation which would trigger a refund?

I don’t know what you’re trying to achieve, but this will almost certainly not do the trick. This will mean that the subscription will remain active and will continue renewing.

guess what you want to achieve to cancel a customer’s subscription as of the next renewal date? In this case, you may want to call Google’s API directly:
