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service account roles


The docs at say that I should add the roles “Pub/Sub Admin” and “Monitoring Viewer”, but I don’t see those in the list of available roles. How can I add those roles?

6 replies


I deleted my service and then recreated it. This time I selected the roles BEFORE clicking DONE. Previously I tried to add the roles after creating the service and couldn’t find those specific roles. But I could find them if I added them before clicking DONE.


Still not out of the woods though. Now selecting “Manage keys” to download my key says “Failed to load the service account. I wonder if this is because my new service has the same name as the previous one that I deleted.


The message also says “Please check that both the service account ID and project ID are valid. But how would I know what valid IDs look like? I don’t see anything labelled as “service account ID” or “project  ID”. I do see “Key ID” and mine says “Failed to load”.

RevenueCat Staff
  • RevenueCat Staff
  • 338 replies
  • March 2, 2022

Hey @R. Mark Volkmann 

We recommend adding the roles before creating the service account, which looks like what you’ve done here. I haven’t heard of that error before, I’m also curious if it has to do with the service name being the same name. Can you share a full screenshot of what you’re seeing here? Be sure to redact any sensitive information.


Here are screenshots showing my one entitlement, offering, and product.

RevenueCat Staff
  • RevenueCat Staff
  • 338 replies
  • March 3, 2022

Hey @R. Mark Volkmann 

Can you share screenshots of the errors you’re receiving for the service account? 


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