Hello RevenueCat team
We are using RevenueCat and we have some questions regarding webhooks.
- There is a new type EXPIRATION. The relevant subscription is terminated with this request. This means that all subscriptions that are no longer renewed will also be terminated by RevenueCat at the end of the subscription. As a result, we no longer have to worry about the termination on the backend side, regardless of the reported digital end date (“expiration_at_ms”). Is this assumption correct for iOS and Android?
- We have a relatively large number of requests PRODUCT_CHANGE that do not result in a subscription extension, not even in RevenueCat. Several such requests can come in succession without anything happening. What exactly is the purpose of the PRODUCT_CHANGE request?
- We are also facing the issue that PRODUCT_CHANGE and RENEWAL webhooks are not always sent in the same order to our backend system. Is this an issue on your side or is this possible to happen and we need to take care of it?
Thanks a lot in advance for your support!