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Purchases.getProducts() not returning on Android

  • 30 April 2024
  • 2 replies

On latest Expo and react-native-purchases, as far as I can tell everything’s still active and I had a purchase back in February so this used to work. Works fine on iOS

const productIds = Object.values(Constants.expoConfig.extra.productstPlatform.OS]);

console.log('productIds', productIds); // Array of products output correctly

// No console.log() or console.error() gets fired
try {
const products = await Purchases.getProducts(productIds);
console.log('products', products); // Never outputs
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to get products', error);


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2 replies

Userlevel 1
Badge +5

Hey @ian-ccb416 ,


Thanks for reporting it!

It looks like there's an active GitHub issue where we're working through this issue - it's best to keep information in one spot, so let's continue working through the issue there.

Badge +1

For anyone else, still no update on what’s going on with getProducts(), but getOfferings() does work. Seems like getProducts() is just buggy