Hello. For the life of me, I cannot get the completion block to fire when making a purchase. Purchases all have gone through successfully but RevenueCat is not letting me know so that I can do post-transaction clean-up.
>[RCPurchases sharedPurchases] purchasePackage:package withCompletion:^(RCStoreTransaction *transaction, RCCustomerInfo *customerInfo, NSError *error, BOOL cancelled) {
- Running iOS 17.0.1 (have tried 15 as well).
- Testing in sandbox, multiple devices.
- Have created new sandbox user(s), logged out of device, deleted app, restarted device, restarted Xcode, cleaned build folder. Several times.
- Using Objective C.
- Completion block for getOfferings and restorePurchases does work properly.
I know I’m new to RevenueCat, but everything else seems to be working fine, all except this all-important feature. Any assistance or insight on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!