I’m currently trying to let users purchase an IAP on watchOS, but with the exact same code as on iOS (which works), I’m getting some errors (SDK version 4.2.1):
2022-04-21 14:05:00.526782+0200 Anime Manga Tracker Watch App WatchKit Extensionn338:26944] 9Purchases] - DEBUG: Make purchase called: purchase(sk1Product:payment:package:completion:)
2022-04-21 14:05:00.532433+0200 Anime Manga Tracker Watch App WatchKit ExtensionE338:26944] 8Purchases] - DEBUG: Purchasing product from package - com.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxx in Offering XXXXX
2022-04-21 14:05:00.534097+0200 Anime Manga Tracker Watch App WatchKit ExtensionK338:27113] nPurchases] - DEBUG: PaymentQueue updatedTransaction: com.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxx 2000000012345678 () 2000000012345678 - 1
2022-04-21 14:05:00.553831+0200 Anime Manga Tracker Watch App WatchKit Extensiona338:27113] nPurchases] - DEBUG: Unable to load receipt, ensure you are logged in to a valid Apple account.
2022-04-21 14:05:00.554048+0200 Anime Manga Tracker Watch App WatchKit Extensionp338:27113] EPurchases] - DEBUG: Receipt empty, refreshing
2022-04-21 14:05:02.185744+0200 Anime Manga Tracker Watch App WatchKit Extensionc338:27112] KPurchases] - DEBUG: Unable to load receipt, ensure you are logged in to a valid Apple account.
2022-04-21 14:05:02.185908+0200 Anime Manga Tracker Watch App WatchKit Extension 338:27112] aPurchases] - WARN: Unable to load receipt, ensure you are logged in to a valid Apple account.
2022-04-21 14:05:02.186114+0200 Anime Manga Tracker Watch App WatchKit ExtensionT338:27112] hPurchases] - ERROR: The receipt is missing.
2022-04-21 14:05:02.186737+0200 Anime Manga Tracker Watch App WatchKit Extension 338:26944] ePurchases] - ERROR: Unexpected backend error when posting receipt. Make sure you are on latest SDK version and let us know if problem persists.
The watchOS app is able to receive product info (I can see the price being fetched):
DEBUG: SKProductsRequest request received response
DEBUG: SKProductsRequest did finish
DEBUG: CustomerInfo updated from network.
I can’t find a lot of docs on watchOS implementation, is there anything different to the iOS side that needs to be done on my end? Thanks!