
Offerings not Available

  • 27 September 2023
  • 3 replies

Badge +1

Hi, we are having an issue where our offerings are not available.


I’m testing on the latest xcode simulator for iOS. I have confirmed the bundle ID in xcode matches with that in revenuecat. I have also confirmed that the product identifier matches with what I am seeing in Apple. Our app is not on the app store and we don’t have a separate prod/dev environment. What could possibly be the issue? I tried going through the steps for the post regarding offerings not showing but I’m unable to figure what is wrong.

3 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

Hey there,

If you’re testing in the simulator, you’ll need to configure StoreKit Test files as the simulator doesn’t use the normal App Store environment:


Badge +1

Hi Cody, thanks, sorry I somehow missed this, let me take a look.

Badge +1

Hi Cody,


I’ve set up a store kit configuration that matches the product in my revenuecat app, placed the certification inside revenuecat, and tried launching from xcode directly, but I sitll get an offerings not available error. Is there a way I can get further assistance? 
