It’s unclear from your documentation what the recommended approach is when a company has two subscription levels (e.g. Basic and Pro). The Entitlements documentation clearly shows two separate subscription levels of “gold” and “platinum” in the images (below), but then the Offerings documentation only really explains what to do if you have a single subscription level (and then you choose the Monthly, Annual, etc identifiers). The recommendations on the forums seems to go from “use separate offerings” to “use a custom identifier”.
Based on the example image you have on the entitlements documentation below, I’m assuming you’d recommend keeping both tiers in a single offering, but using customer identifiers instead of the default ones (e.g. gold_monthly, gold_annual, platinum_life, etc).
I’d strongly encourage you to add this 2-tier setup to your Offerings documentation, since it’s a very common scenario, and it was really unclear to me what the best approach was.
Thank you!