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Keep with original App User ID not throwing in sandbox

  • September 13, 2024
  • 1 reply


Hi there, I have a project running and this is what is happening

  1. UserA logs in
  2. UserA subscribes to product X
  3. UserB logs in in the same device
  4. UserB tries to subscribe to product X - "You are currently subscribed to this"
  5. UserB upgrades to product Y - "You purchase was successful" - but UserB has no subscription
  6. UserA logs in and was subscribed to product Y

Is this sandbox only issue?

How can I verify if the current apple account has subscriptions to avoid UserB to upgrade UserA's plan?
Shouldn't UserB merged into UserA original account?

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RevenueCat Staff
  • RevenueCat Staff
  • 364 replies
  • September 17, 2024

Hi @viniciusborges23,

With the “Keep with original app user ID” behavior, we wouldn’t expect any merging or transferring between IDs when purchasing or restoring. 

I believe what you experienced here was a sandbox issue, as you said. In production, with your current behavior, if a different app user id attempts to make any changes to a purchase that was made under a different app user id, the RECEIPT_ALREADY_IN_USE error will be thrown.

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