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Issue: Unable to View Downgraded iOS Subscription Plan in React Native

  • December 1, 2023
  • 1 reply


I'm encountering an issue in my React Native app when attempting to downgrade or modify iOS in-app subscription plans. The upgrade process works seamlessly, reflecting changes accurately in the RevenueCat dashboard and customer history. However, when downgrading a plan, although the RevenueCat dashboard captures the change in customer history, the latest downgraded plan doesn't appear in customer information or the RevenueCat sandbox history.

1 reply

RevenueCat Staff
  • RevenueCat Staff
  • 497 replies
  • December 5, 2023

Hey @SynapseIn!

Typically, a downgrade takes effect at the end of the current subscription period. Is the downgraded product appearing in CustomerInfo after the end of the existing subscription? (keep in mind, in sandbox mode there’s a 5 minute cache on device that might be delaying the CustomerInfo object from getting updated).

Let me know and we can go from there - alternatively, you might want to open a support ticket instead so we can view specific customers in your project.


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