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I’m looking at moving my app to RevenueCat but I’m wondering how the Pro plan pricing is calculated when it comes to VAT?

(Sorry if this has already been answered somewhere, I can’t find it)


Is the 1% of MTR calculated from:

  1. (Price + VAT) * 0.01
  2. Price * 0.01
  3. (Price + VAT)*(1-store_commission_rate) * 0.01
  4. Something else

Number 3 is my revenue

Number 2 is mine + Apple’s/Google’s revenue

Number 1 is mine + Apple’s/Google’s + the government’s revenue.


In Europe number 3 is often 60-70% of number 1. So if RevenueCat calculates pricing based on number 1 then it is more like 1.5-1.7% of my actual revenue. Which may still be reasonable but something I would like to know when I compare alternatives.

Hi @Jensa,

MTR is tracked before any cuts are made from it, either tax or platform commission. 
