Hi all,
Im trying to get iOS Code Redemption working in flutter and having some issues.
So as per the doc (not flutter specific, so following the API doc mixed with the swift example), and I go ahead and call:
await Purchases.presentCodeRedemptionSheet();
And then….. nothing happens? Is there anything else that needs to be done in the code after the sheet is dismissed to detect that a purchase has been made via the code redemption sheet? It’s really hard to test as this as it seems as though it cant be tested in a simulator or in debug mode on a real device - so I’m doing it ‘live’ and not getting any really good logging.
The “Codes” are attached to an App Store IAP that I do have configured in revenuecat / has an entitlement….
I’ve tried to re-initialise the purchaserinfo object & check for entitlements again and its still not triggering in the way it should if an entitlement is detected.
Running purchases_flutter 3.1.0 on flutter 2.0.5
Anyone have any ideas?