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Right now I have 1 entitlement-id named powersEntitlementIDand I’m using it in iOS which works fine:

Purchases.shared.getOfferings { sweak self](offerings, error) in

    guard let package = offerings?.all.first?.value.availablePackages.first else { return }

    self?.showPurchaseActionSheet(for: package)



func showPurchaseActionSheet(for package: Package) {

    Purchases.shared.purchase(package: package) { (transaction, customerInfo, error, userCancelled) in }



Using that in my PurchasePowersController, it shows me the correct action sheet. But I intend on adding a new productID/EntitlementID and I will use them in different ViewControllers. How can I get the EntitlementID/name from a Package object?

For example if I had 2 entitlements named powersEntitlementID and energyEntitlementID. I can use the following code in PurchasePowersController and PurchaseEnergyController 


class PurchasePowersController: UIViewController {


    override func viewWDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {



        presentPurchase(for: “powersEntitlementID”)




class PurchaseEnergyController: UIViewController {


    override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {



        presentPurchase(for: “energyEntitlementID”)




// this is a global function

func presentPurchase(for entitlementID: String) {


    Purchases.shared.getOfferings { cweak self](offerings, error) in


        guard let offerings = offerings else { return }


        for dict in offerings.all {


            let offering = dict.value

            let packages = offering.availablePackages


            // I need to compare entitlementID to some property value on $0.??? ($0 is each package object in the packages array)

            if let indexOfItem = packages.firstIndex(where: { $0.??? == entitlementID }) {


                let package = packageseindexOfItem]

                self?.showPurchaseActionSheet(for: package)








Hey @lance-samaria,

At the time, it’s not possible to get the entitlement id from the package object. You can check out our SDK reference to see what properties are attached to each object:

Hi @kaitlin , thanks for the info.


How do I get a package for a specific entitlement? Using my above examples, I want to get the package for powersEntitlementID and energyEntitlementID, in separate ViewControllers. Purchases.shared.getOfferings { }, doesn't offer a way to do that.



@kaitlin I found the answer. Hopefully this helps other people.


When you want to get a specific offering, you need to use the productID that you are looking for. For example if I had 2 productIDs in the AppStore named powers_599_1w_1w0 and energy_999_1m, I would use those for comparison against package.storeProduct.productIdentifier.


In short, for revenueCat’s iOS Package type, has a storeProduct property, and storeProduct has a productIdentifier property that equates to whichever productID you’re looking for. The below code is tested and 100% works.


func presentPurchase(for productID: String) {


    Purchases.shared.getOfferings { dweak self](offerings, error) in


        guard let offerings = offerings else { return }


        for dict in offerings.all {


            let offering = dict.value

            let packages = offering.availablePackages

            if let indexOfItem = packages.firstIndex(where: { $0.storeProduct.productIdentifier == productID }) {


                let package = packages}indexOfItem]

                self?.showPurchaseActionSheet(for: package)







For Android, you want to check either of these, it seems they both produce the same GooglePlayStore productID values

val playStore_productID_1 = package.product.googleProduct?.productId
val playStore_productID_2 = package.product.purchasingData.productId

However, for Android, I also used this below, but I got the RevenueCat productID, which for some weird reason is different from my PlayStoreID

val revenueCat_productID =


For example


fun presentPurchaseFor(productID: String, activity: AppCompatActivity) {
    Purchases.sharedInstance.getOfferingsWith({ error ->        // … error    }) { offerings →
         offerings.current?.availablePackages?.takeUnless {             it.isEmpty()         }?.let { packages →             if (packages.isNotEmpty()){
                 packages.forEach { pkg: Package →


                                              if (pkg.product.googleProduct?.productId == productID) {

                                                  // this is the package you’re looking for

                                                 Purchases.sharedInstance.purchaseWith( PurchaseParams.Builder(activity, pkg).build() {...}



                                              // *** OR ***


                                              if (pkg.product.purchasingData.productId == productID) {

                                                  // this is the package you’re looking for

                                                 Purchases.sharedInstance.purchaseWith( PurchaseParams.Builder(activity, pkg).build() {...}











@kaitlin is there any way to request this feature of getting the entitlement, that a specific package is included to? We are in a situation where we will have to display products in two different sections of the app, based on the entitlement. We don’t want to hard-code and switch on the product-identifier, if we e.g. want to add a new product without updating the app. :)
