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How long for trial offer to appear?

  • 18 November 2023
  • 1 reply

I originally started without a trial offer on my subscription. I updated my Google Play store to include an offer for 3 day free trial:

3 day trial in Google Play

However, I do not see it in the `offering` of product or indicated anywhere in the  `introPhase` or `freePhase` as they both are `null`. 

How long does it take for subscription offer phases to appear?


I tried adding a tag too, but this also is not being found.

Hi @lucksp,

The subscription offers shouldn’t take too long to appear, but as a general rule it can be good to give any changes about 24 hours to propagate. 

Since the eligibility is for users who have never purchased the subscription, can you confirm you’re testing with a new sandbox user?
