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I am trying to localize Paywalls with no success.
I tried to enter detailed text in Paywall setup.
However, month and year words are never get translated.

Actually, They are both localized inside Google and Apple stores.
They show up correct once you go inside Apple or Google after clicking paywall but not on the actual paywall.

So, how should I set this up?

I cannot get the package names localized. They get their names from variables? 

How can I translate monthly? Can we use localizetion from the stores? They show them correctly.

Hi, the paywall localization is based on both the device language and that of the app store. In order to get a better idea of what you are seeing, can you please create a support ticket here and send an app user id you are accessing offerings with, the language of the device and store versus the language you are expecting to see, as well as screenshots of what you are seeing?

Ok. Will do that. Thanks..

I opened the ticket like you said. However there was no place to post screen shots. So I am posting them here.

Here is Paywall Editor Screenshots:

Paywall Editor Screen Shots...


It works correctly on Android..



But not on iPhone. iPhone is not translated..

I still could not get iOS to display anything other than English.
So any ideas?

It still does not work on iOS. 
Where can I get help for this?
Should I create a support ticket?

I am getting similar issue here. Even I have set the localisation language in the Paywall editor, it is still showing English. But some system text are following the locale. What is happening and how to use it please?

This is the screenshot showing the app is set to show Chinese, but the Paywall is showing some English and Chinese even the Paywall editor has set a Chinese text:

Paywall in app
Paywall editor


I tried to change Paywall template but nothing changed.

I am still getting untranslated Paywall.
I tried the live production app. It is the same.

At this point, I have to ask if it might have anything to do with the template I selected.

However, I tried changing the template. As a matter of fact, I deleted the whole project.
I rebuilt it starting from Apple App Store Connect site.
Rebuilt Subscriptions, rebuilt revenuecat project, offerings, products, packages.

Nothing changed. Is this happening only to me?

Well, since I was using React Native Expo, I never touched the XCode Project before.

It turns out XCode Project Localization settings are considered by Revenuecat SDK.

Kaitlin from Revenuecat suggested I check the localization inside XCode Project and and when I did, There was only Base and English localization. So I added Turkish and that did not make any difference at first. It was showing English only and I had localized my Paywall In Turkish as well.


So I tried changing the default localization to Turkish and I could see the Turkish Paywall.

However, then I tried to change my ios system settings to English and Region to US it still showed the Turkish paywall. 

I am sure we’ll fix this with support but right now I am able to show the paywall only in the default localization setting language.