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entitlements lost after subscription extension

  • August 19, 2023
  • 1 reply



I am using this on the sandbox testing that after 5 minutes subscription will be extended.

It seems that after subscription extension, user will need to restore purchase manually as the entitlements checking for isactive will return to not active. Is it the expected behavior like when uninstall and reinstall the app behavior?



1 reply

  • RevenueCat Staff
  • 507 replies
  • August 26, 2023

Hi, it sounds like because of the fast renewal time that the subscription may have expired by the time you checked the entitlements. I recommend creating another subscription for testing that is longer, for example if you made a subscription 6 months then in sandbox this would last for 15 minutes (see here for table of sandbox subscription lengths). Can you let me know after testing this way if you are able to get the proper isactive value?


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