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Do my users have to register with google to use Revenuecat?

  • 15 September 2022
  • 2 replies

I need to learn this. Because my users do not register with google 😕 I have An API and my users have an ID. Can I use this ID  for Identifying Customers?

2 replies

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Yes you can, only requirement of an Id is to be unique

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You can use your own ID from your system as long as it’s unique like @Emre said.

Here’s the spot in the docs that mentions using your own ID

To answer your question “Do my users have to register with google to use RevenueCat?”: There is no requirement for your users to register with Google to use RevenueCat. RevenueCat is a service that ties to your Google or Apple developer account. The users don’t necessarily have to be aware that you are using RevenueCat
